WEEK 14: Science Fiction Parody | Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Response

This week I had a chance to listen to some of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I will say it's an acquired taste and can definitely come across to a younger generation as boring. This series reminded me of listening to audiobooks in the car as a child. We live in such a visual world and I love the idea of audiobooks or radio plays. This really allows your imagination to take over and create your own visual. I definitely felt like with it's vintage sci-fi theming and storyline that I was in Tomorrowland at Disney or waiting in line for Space Mountain. It's witty humor and exploration of science fiction was quite enjoyable to listen to and I made it through quite a few "episodes".
I feel like this medium is similar to today's audio entertainment trend of podcasts. Podcasts allow anyone to talk freely about anything which I feel is similar to what this radio play achieves.



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