WEEK 14: Iron Sky Film Response

Watching Iron Sky for the first time in class really caught my attention. The bold subject matter of space Nazi's taking over the present day world is turned into a comedic story. I was a first shocked and a little anxious at how the writers were going to pull this off. I feel they barely missed crossing the line of taking it too far. Someones's worst nightmare is that Nazi's never truly disappeared and that they are somewhere in space planning their attack. But the more I watched this film, the more I started to realize the whole idea is to ditch the political correctness and just give people a laugh. There’s a funny premise behind the film and felt like it was similar to the comedy in the Star Wars spin off, Space Balls. Comedy is what drives Iron Sky film to be watch able. Without the Sarah Palin like president or the care free, comedic black astronaut, the film would have been pointless. If this topic tried to act serious, I feel like the film would have been an even bigger flop than it already is. As I watched, it seemed like the film got progressively worse, where by the end there is no comic juice left. Bottom line is that the humor is hit or miss.
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