WEEK 13: Literary Speculation | The Aquatic Uncle Response

This short story presently surprised me with it's compelling storyline. When reading, I noticed the Land and Sea are metaphors for modernity, evolution, and tradition and simplicity. These symbols worked to build up the theme of identity. The old undeveloped fish, Uncle Qfwfq has a hard time accepting his identity and he idolizes the animals who grew up on land, because they were so different to him. The author did an accurate portrayal of a lot of old people, who don't want to change and are very set in their ways. The author seemed to really understand humanity and portray it in this story, even though it took place thousands of years ago with fish and evolving fish. While this story can have a deep meaning, it also is comical in a way that it reminds me of a family reunion. Family reunions often represent the evolutions of generations from young to old.
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