Audio in Today's World

       The ever growing sources of audio today are remarkable. In a world of high technology, Youtube, and social media, you would suspect that an older technology such as the radio is dying. This seems to be the complete opposite. In today’s culture, we respond to passive listening. Wether it’s listening to music, watching TV, or listening to a podcast, we are never truly present. Everyone is always on the go and looks for instant gratification when it comes to finding news or the latest trends. Radio, podcasts, and other types of audio stories fit perfectly with our mobile society. It gives us an outlet to not be bombarded with heavy graphics/visuals and take time to just listen. Forms of radio such as audiobooks allow us to focus on the content of the story with no distraction. It also allows our imagine to run free and make up a mental picture in our heads. Audio media and stories will continue to be a success in our world today, as it allows us all to connect with one another in our fast paced lives. 

      Land of the Lost is a classic 1940’s radio fantasy adventure telling the stories of two children who traveled underwater with the fatherly fish Red Lantern. This series is extremely entertaining from the use of sound effects, to the comedic songs, and dialogue. There are multiple characters throughout the story that each have different hilarious personalities. The acting and story content makes this audio story captivating and entertaining. If you close your eyes, you can imagine the story. It almost feels as if you are there. 

Abigail Nilsson 
Literature and Media Studies 


  1. Yes, with a mobile phone virtually any form of audio is at our reach within a few seconds. It's quick and I can see why many are so prone to keeping up with podcasts or audiobooks. I never understood the whole appeal to them up until now, but with the right voice telling the story it can really be addicting to keep clicking next onto the next podcasts, or audiobook, or radio station.

  2. I agree we're passive listeners too busy in our search for visual forms of information. Often times we just turn on a radio to play in the background while we shower or fold clothes not necessarily listening to what's going on but just for background noise. But when a really interesting thing catches your attention it can transport you to a different place and change your mood.

  3. I'm so impressed that you actually enjoyed Land of the Lost. It can be a little unnerving at times - indulging in a lot of camp and silliness. But kudos to you for enduring the episode. Very nice blog post overall. I especially enjoyed your take on the ways that audio storytelling allow us time to be more present and to listen. Good work.


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