Planet Building Assignment

The world I have created is one with no land. It is a plant entirely composed of water and sea creatures of every kind.  After suffering for millennia in the oceans upon the earth at hand of man, these sea creatures were rescued by Neptune, god of the sea, and transported to a world of their own.  A world where their tormenters could not follow.  In this water world, the full intelligence of the sea creators such as dolphins and whales are fully realized and the ecosystems are perfectly balanced as each plant and animal species develop as they were intended.  Giant coral reefs grow and thrive.  The beauty and harmony of this world is enjoyed by the creatures that inhabit it and live undisturbed.  If aliens from another plant want to observe or enjoy this planet they must do so from afar and are not permitted to make contact.  

Planetary Texture


-Abigail Nilsson 


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